
Learning… hand in the Father's

The 30day Gratitude challenge…

Hey dearies!!! I and my sis would be doing a 30-day gratitude challenge. We’re gonna have to state 5 things each day that we’re grateful for. It begins on the 1st of August. Feel free to join us and even if you don’t have a blog, a journal would be great. We all overlook so many things in our lives daily and I hope that by doing this, we can all learn to gratefulness… See this post by my sis for more information on the gratitude-challenge.

Much love,

The F.A.B. Sister's Blog

I wanna say I am sorry for being AWOL for a while but trust me I have a very good reason… hehehe. I went on vaycay and when we vaycay we go AWOL to get the best outta our vaycay… Hehehe. It was a really short one and depending on how I feel, I may or may NOT share deets… Hehehehe
It is a MOST beautiful day and I am all shades of excited. Super duper excited. My Jehovah has been awesome much and here am I feeling really grateful and so I am happy to announce
The GRATITUDE journal… OUR 30day challenge
This would be me and a few Blogger friends sharing stuff we are grateful for over the next 30days. No requests, no whining, just pure unadulterated GRATITUDE…
I dunno about you people but sometimes I fall into the rut of asking and asking and forgetting…

View original post 705 more words


  1. IniCeeboi

    so ao does dis work?


    • Okay, we would all put up a post every day for 30 days while those using journals would write theirs in their journals…Each post would have at least 5 reasons why we are thankful for the day.

      We would, even on gloomy days, deliberately think of 5 things to be grateful for in that day. The posts would be put up in the evening/ night…

      Doing the challenge together would make us accountable to each other.

      #AlwaysAnAttitudeO’Gratitude. 😀



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